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Diffing files into arbitrary versions in Git

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

This article discusses how to compare a single file to a revision in Git. If you have a file with 30 iterations in a branch of your repository, you can compare the current revision to any other revision. Let’s see how to do this. Diffing...


Ignore spaces in Git using Git Diff

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

This article will discuss how to ignore whitespace using the git diff git diff command. We use git diff to compare commits, branches, and files across branches or revisions. Ignore spaces in Git using git diff command If we have a file with...


Git Icons

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

In today's modern era of technological advancement, an icon is referred to as a tiny selectable or non-selectable image or symbol associated with any file, program or application functionality. It represents an operating system or on any we...


Download a specific tag using Git

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

This article explains how to clone a repository at a specific tagged version. Git tags mark an important milestone in code production. If you have a remote repository with tags and want to know how to clone that repository and access a spec...


Managing version numbers in Git

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

This article provides an overview of how to manage version numbers in Git. We will use semantic versioning because it is the most widely used version control scheme. Managing version numbers in Git Before we get into management, let’s def...


Open Git Bash on Mac

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

Open Git Bash on Mac

Managing Version Numbers in GitGit is the most popular and well-known free version control system used by developers to help them work on various programs safely and efficiently in a team. They can easily keep track of their own projects wi...


Configure Git Bash with Visual Studio Code

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

This article outlines the steps to configure Git Bash with Visual Studio Code on Windows. By default, VSCode uses PowerShell as the integrated terminal. We can configure VSCode to use Git Bash as the integrated terminal. Make sure you have...


Resolving merge conflicts in Git

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

In this article, we will demonstrate how to resolve conflicts that arise when merging two branches in Git. Typically, different team members in a collaborative team environment work on the same files. For example, a team member working on s...


Merging and squashing in Git

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

Most of the time, when we are working on a particular work branch, we come across a situation where we have to commit from the work branch to the master branch. But we have already prepared many commits for various issues found in the work...


Best way to merge a Git branch into Master

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

Best way to merge a Git branch into Master

One of the most powerful features of git is branch creation and merging operations. Git allows users to create a new branch and merge them into the development code. This feature improves the development process workflow of multiple project...


Clone a remote branch in Git

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

In this article, we will discuss the process of downloading a single branch from GitHub to our local machine. This comes up when we're working as a team on a project to keep our repositories in sync with new branches. Let's jump right in! U...


Using theirs option in Git merge

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

When developing software using Git, you can create different branches for different functions, but conflicts may exist between different branches. This article will explain how to use the command with theirs the -c option git merge to resol...


Merge local branches in Git

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

This article will introduce git merge the command and how to use it to merge local branches in Git. We will look at how the command works and the merging process. git merge Order Definition: We use git merge the command to integrate differe...


Merge branches in Git without fast-forward

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

This tutorial shows how to merge branches in Git without using fast-forward. We work in a collaborative development environment using Git. We create many branches for different purposes, and eventually, we merge these branches into the main...


Git diff shows diff details of uncommitted changes

Publish Date:2025/03/31 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

This article outlines how we can get diff details of uncommitted work in Git. We use the git diff command to show the differences between various Git references, such as commits, the index, and the working tree. We can use this command to d...


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