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How to uninstall git in Windows

Publish Date:2025/03/26 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

Git for Windows is a well-known and user-friendly software that provides a smooth platform to easily use Git in a team-friendly environment. Sometimes we want to get rid of some software because of space reasons, or the software is not comp...


Setting Upstream in Git

Publish Date:2025/03/26 Author:JIYIK Category:Git

In this article, we will learn how to use in Git upstream . When using Git by cloning and creating new repositories in branches, we must set up upstream branches for future commits and fetches. But first, we should understand what is upstre...


Combining build and run commands in Docker

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

If we use a Dockerfile to automatically create containers, we usually use the docker build and run commands. However, we usually combine most of the commands in a single run to tidy up a local image repository. This article discusses combin...


Understanding entrypoint flags in Docker

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

We docker run use the entrypoint ( --entrypoint ) flag in the command to specify the command to be executed when we start the Docker container. This flag allows us to customize the behavior of the container and determine the command that Do...


Tagging images with Docker and Docker Compose

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

When creating a Docker image, it is best practice to give it a descriptive and meaningful name. This process makes identifying and managing images more manageable, especially when dealing with many images. This article discusses tagging ima...


Permanently delete a container in Docker

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

Normally, Docker does not delete stopped containers, it only unmarks them. This process occurs to avoid accidental deletion of stopped containers. This article will discuss how to properly remove unused and untagged containers to reclaim re...


Understanding volume instructions in Docker

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

In Docker, we can create separate images, containers, and volumes. Whenever we start a container, we can mount the volume. If we can do it manually in Docker, we can automate it through a build process using a file called Dockerfile. This a...


Change working directory command in Docker

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

In Docker, we cannot run terminal commands seamlessly if we do not create and start a container and execute in the container's shell. An example of these commands is changing the working directory. Changing the working directory is essentia...


Copy the directory from the host to the Docker image

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

The Docker documentation defines Docker as an infrastructure-independent tool that helps developers develop, release, and run applications in the fastest way possible. In addition to these benefits, DevOps developers use Docker for continuo...


The difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in Docker

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

Docker containers have become the standard when it comes to managing software and dependencies in different environments. When working with real-world applications, you need to create a docker file before building your application container...


Listing containers in Docker

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

This article will discuss various commands for listing containers created in our system. This means we should create some containers beforehand for these commands to return values. List all running containers in Docker We will start by list...


Enter the Docker container's shell

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

This article will demonstrate how to enter the Docker container shell using multiple methods. Use docker exec to enter the Docker container's shell We need to have a container up and running to use this command. We can check the status of t...


Uninstalling Docker on macOS

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

Uninstalling Docker on macOS

Recently, we have seen widespread adoption of Docker as the ultimate containerization platform. Because of this, setting up Docker on all platforms has been greatly simplified, including macOS and Windows. However, some users usually face p...


Copy files from host to Docker container

Publish Date:2025/03/25 Author:JIYIK Category:Docker

This article will discuss and demonstrate methods we can use to transfer files from the host to a running container in Docker. docker cp Copy the file from the host to the Docker container using docker cp The command is one of the simplest...


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