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Resolving Pip Command Not Found Error in Bash

Author:JIYIK Last Updated:2025/03/20 Views:

pipis a package management system written in Python for installing and managing software packages. When you use pipthe tool to download packages, you may sometimes receive command not foundan error.

pipThis article explains how to install and resolve this error in Bash .

Installation in Bashpip

pipThe tools can be installed on Linux distributions using the following commands. These commands will also install the dependencies required to build the modules.

pip3Install tools for Arch Linux .

sudo pacman -S python-pip

Install the tools for Ubuntu and Debian pip3.

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Install the tools for Fedora pip3.

sudo yum install python3-pip

Apart from this, pip3the tool can be installed manually using . curlDownload the file from the official repository and save it as get-pip.py.

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py

Run the file using python3the command. You can then delete the file.

python3 get-pip.py
rm get-pip.py

You can successfully install the tool by choosing the one that suits you best from these options pip3. Now you can pip3 install packagedownload the required packages using the command.

Solving Bash pip command not foundErrors

If you receive an error when downloading a package pip: command not found, you may be using the wrong version. To resolve this issue, first check pipthe version of the tools you have installed.

pip --version
pip3 --version

Typically, pipis used with Python 2.x and pip3is used with Python 3.x. If you want to install Python 3.x packages, try typing pip3instead pip.

pip3 install package

If you don't want to type it every time pip3, you can .bashrcadd an alias to the file.

alias pip="pip3"

Alternatively, you can use pipwith python3the command.

python3 -m pip install package

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