Stop a running process from a batch file
This article explains how to stop a running process from a batch file in Windows. We use Batch's taskkill command to terminate the running process.
, the command will be executed only if the specified process is open.
Batch file to terminate a process if it is running
Kill Process enables users of Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Windows 2003, or later to kill a task from the Windows command line using the process ID (PID) or image name. The TASKKILL command is used in this context.
Here is an example.
taskkill /IM notepad.exe
The command above will terminate the open Notepad task. Note that the above command may fail and prompt you to save changes.
To fix this, we can force close Notepad as follows.
taskkill /F /IM notepad.exe
We can also use the process ID (PID) as shown below.
taskkill /pid 9415
The above command will kill the process with ID 9415.
In conclusion, we can use taskkill command to stop the processes opened in batch files in Windows. We have discussed various ways to terminate processes using batch files.
Remember that if the specified process is open and running, the script will execute successfully.
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