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Using find() method in React

Publish Date:2025/03/14 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Using the `find()` method in React: Call find() on the array. In each iteration, check if the element matches the condition. Render the result....


Check if an array is empty in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Check if an array is empty in React

To check if an array in React is empty, access its length property, such as arr.length. If an array's length is equal to 0, then it is empty. If the array's length is greater than 0, then it is not empty....


Handling onKeyPress Events in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Handling onKeyPress Events in React

To handle onKeyPress events in React: Set the `onKeyPress` attribute on the element. Use the key property of the event object to get the key the user pressed. For example, if(event.key === 'Enter') {}....


How to break out of a map() loop in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Break out of a map() loop in React: Call slice() method on an array to get a portion of the array. Call map() method on the portion of the array. Iterate over a portion of the array....


Check if variable is null in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

To check for null in React, use a comparison to check if a value is equal to or not equal to null, such as if (myValue === null) {} or if (myValue !== null) {}. If the condition is met, the if block will run....


Using images as links in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

To use an image as a link in React, wrap the image in an a tag, or in a `Link` tag if using React routing. An image will be rendered instead of a link, and clicking on the image will cause the browser to navigate to the specified page....


Changing the color of an SVG in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Changing the color of an SVG in React

Changing the color of an SVG in React: Don't set the `fill` and `stroke` properties on the SVG. Import the SVG as a component. Set the fill and stroke props on the component, e.g. MyLogo fill=...


Passing components as props in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

We can use the built-in children property to pass components as props in React. All the elements we pass between the opening and closing tags of the component are assigned to the children property....


Showing hover elements in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Showing hover elements in React

To show an element on hover in React: Set `onMouseOver` and `onMouseOut` properties on the element. Track whether the user is hovering over the element in a state variable. Conditionally render other elements based on the state variable....


How to set target=_blank in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

How to set target=_blank in React

To set the target attribute of an element to _blank in React, use an anchor element and set the rel attribute, for example . The _blank value indicates that the resource is loaded in a new tab....


Open links in new tabs with React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Open links in new tabs with React

To open a link in a new tab in React, use an a element and set its `target` attribute to _blank, for example. A _blank value indicates that the resource is loaded into the new tab....


Generate a random number in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Generate a random number in React

Generate a random number in React using the Math.random() function, for example, Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min. The Math.random function returns a number in the range of 0 to less than 1, but can also be used to generate numbers in...


Sorting an array of objects in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

To sort an array of objects in React: Create a shallow copy of the array. Call the array's `sort()` method, passing it a function. The function is used to define the sort order....


Toggle a class on click in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Toggle a class on click in React

To toggle a class on click in React: Set an onClick attribute on the element. Store the active state in a state variable. Use a ternary operator to conditionally add a class....


Setting data attributes in React

Publish Date:2025/03/13 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Setting data attributes in React

To set a data attribute for an element in React, set the attribute directly on the element, such as or use the setAttribute() method, such as el.setAttribute('data-foo', 'bar'). We can access the element on the event object or...


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