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Use hooks to clear timeout or interval in React

Publish Date:2025/03/06 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Use hooks to clear timeout or interval in React

To clear a timeout or interval in React using hooks: Use the useEffect hook to set a timeout or interval. Return a function from the useEffect hook. Use the clearTimeout() or clearInterval() method to remove the timeout when the component unmounts. , ...


Type useState as array of objects in React TypeScript

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Type useState as array of objects in React TypeScript

To type the useState hook as an array of objects in React, use the hook's generics, such as const [employees, setEmployees] = useState{salary: number; name: string}[]([]) . The state variable can be initialized to an empty array and only accepts point...


Expected corresponding JSX closing tag error in React

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

React.js error Expected corresponding JSX closing tag appears when we forget to close a tag in the JSX code. To fix the error, use self-closing tags like input / and make sure the order of opening and closing tags in the JSX code is correct....


Component definition is missing display name error in React

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Component definition is missing display name error in React

Set the displayName property on your component to fix the Component definition is missing display name error, e.g. App.displayName = MyApp; . Alternatively, disable the ESLint rule for the line with the following comment - // eslint-disable-next-line ...


Styling the border-radius property in React

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Use the borderRadius CSS property to set the border radius style of elements in React, such as div style={{border: 1px solid red, borderRadius: 30px}} . If we need to set the style of a specific border, use the corresponding property, such as borderBo...


Export 'useHistory' in React was not found in react-router-dom

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Export 'useHistory' in React was not found in react-router-dom

To fix the error Export useHistory was not found in react-router-dom , use the useNavigate hook instead, e.g. const navigate = useNavigate() . This hook returns a function that allows us to navigate programmatically. // ?️ import useNavigate...


Setting default values for Input elements in React

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Setting default values for Input elements in React

To set default values ​​for Input elements in React: Pass the default value as a parameter to the useState hook for controlled fields. Set the defaultValue property on uncontrolled input fields. import {useRef, useState} from react ; export defaul...


Setting conditional initial values for useState in React

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

To set conditional initial values ​​for useState in React: Pass a function to the useState hook. Use a condition to determine the correct initial value for the state variable. The function will only be called on the initial render. import {useStat...


Unable to enter text in the input box in React

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

To fix the issue of input fields not working in React, make sure to use the defaultValue property instead of the value of the uncontrolled input field. Alternatively, set an onChange property on the field and handle the change event. Here is an exampl...


Type useState as array of strings in React TypeScript

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Type useState as array of strings in React TypeScript

To type the useState hook in React as an array of strings, use the hook's generics, such as const [names, setNames] = useStatestring[]([]) . State variables can be initialized to an empty array or an array of strings, and only accept string values....


JSX expressions must have one parent element error in React

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

JSX expressions must have one parent element error in React

When a component returns multiple elements, you get the React.js error JSX expression must have a parent element. To fix the error, wrap the elements in a parent div element or use fragments, such as h2One/h2h2Two/h2/ . Below is an example that produc...


React Hook 'useEffect' is called conditionally error

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

React Hook 'useEffect' is called conditionally error

The error React hook useEffect is called conditionally occurs when we use the useEffect hook conditionally or after a condition that may return a value. To fix the error, move all React hooks above any condition that may return a value....


Using Ref to get the value of input field in React

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Using Ref to get the value of input field in React

To get the value of an input field using ref in React: Set the ref attribute on the input element. Access the value of the input field on the ref object, e.g. ref.current.value . import { useRef } from react ; const App = () = { const inputRef = useRe...


Function components cannot have string references in React

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Function components cannot have string references in React

When we use a string as a reference in a function component, we get the error Function components cannot have string refs. To fix the error, use the useRef() hook to get a mutable ref object that we can use as a reference inside a component....


Focus input when clicking another element in React

Publish Date:2025/03/05 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Focus input when clicking another element in React

To focus an input when another element is clicked in React: Set a ref attribute on the input element. Set an onClick attribute on the other element. When the other element is clicked, focus the input, e.g. ref.current.focus() . import { useRef } from ...


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