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Get the width of an element in React

Publish Date:2025/03/12 Author:JIYIK Category:React

To get the width of an element in React: Set a ref attribute on the element. In the useLayoutEffect hook, update the state variable for the width. Use the offsetWidth attribute to get the width of the element....


How to get the current year in React

Publish Date:2025/03/12 Author:JIYIK Category:React

How to get the current year in React

Get the current year in React using the Date() constructor, for example, new Date().getFullYear(). The getFullYear() method will return a number corresponding to the current year....


Change button text on click in React

Publish Date:2025/03/12 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Change button text on click in React

To change the text of a button when clicked in React: Track the text of the button in a state variable. Set an onClick attribute on the button element. When the button is clicked, update the state variable....


Using Ref to set input value in React

Publish Date:2025/03/12 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Using Ref to set input value in React

To set the value of an input field using ref in React: Set the ref attribute on the input element. When an event is triggered, update the value of the ref. For example, ref.current.value = 'New value'....


Get the width and height of the window in React

Publish Date:2025/03/12 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Get the width and height of the window in React

To get the width and height of the window in React: Use the innerWidth and innerHeight properties of the window object. Add an event listener for the resize event in the useEffect hook. Save the changes in the window width and height in state variable...


Redirecting to an external URL in React

Publish Date:2025/03/12 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Use the window.location.replace() method to redirect to an external url in React, for example, window.location.replace('https://www.jiyik.com'). We can programmatically replace the current resource with a new one by calling the replace() method if a c...


Check if a string is empty in React

Publish Date:2025/03/12 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Check if a string is empty in React

To check if a string is empty in React, access its length property and check if it is equal to 0, for example if (str.length === 0) {}. If the length of the string is equal to 0, the string is empty, otherwise it is not empty....


String concatenation in React props

Publish Date:2025/03/12 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Use template literals to concatenate strings in React attributes, such as div className={border ${myClass}}. Template literals are delimited by backticks, allowing us to embed variables and expressions using the dollar sign and curly brace ${expressio...


Using forEach() method in React

Publish Date:2025/03/12 Author:JIYIK Category:React

The forEach() method can be used to iterate over an array outside of JSX code in React. If we need to iterate over an array and render its elements directly in JSX code, use the map() method instead....


Get data on button click in React

Publish Date:2025/03/11 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Get data on button click in React

To fetch data on button click in React: Set the onClick attribute on the button element. Every time the button is clicked, an HTTP request is made. Update the state variable and render the data....


Scroll to an element on click in React

Publish Date:2025/03/11 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Scroll to an element on click in React

To scroll to an element on click in React: Set a ref attribute on the element you want to scroll to. Set an onClick attribute on another element. Every time the element is clicked, call the scrollIntoView() method of the ref object....


Get the height of an element in React

Publish Date:2025/03/11 Author:JIYIK Category:React

To get the height of an element in React: Set a ref attribute on the element. In the useLayoutEffect hook, update the state variable for the height. Use the clientHeight property to get the height of the element....


Setting global font family in React

Publish Date:2025/03/11 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Setting global font family in React

To set a global font family in React, you need to set the font-family style on the html element in your index.css file and then import the file into your index.js file. The global CSS should be imported in index.js to ensure it is loaded into your Rea...


React using conditions in map()

Publish Date:2025/03/11 Author:JIYIK Category:React

Using conditions in `map()` in React: Call the map() method on an array. Use an if condition with an explicit return if satisfied. Otherwise return a different value or return null to render nothing....


Using substring() method in React

Publish Date:2025/03/11 Author:JIYIK Category:React

To use the substring() method in React: Call the method on a string. Pass the start and end index as parameters to it. The method returns a new string containing only the specified portion of the original string....


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