Adding unsafe registry keys in Docker
While it is highly recommended to secure your registry using a Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate issued by a known Certificate Authority (CA), we have the option of using our insecure registry over an unencrypted Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connection. This article will discuss how to add an insecure registry in Docker.
Adding unsafe registry keys in Docker
This process sets Docker to completely ignore registry security. Therefore, introducing vulnerable registry keys into Docker is not recommended.
Your registry is vulnerable to simple man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. Use this solution exclusively for individual testing or in tightly regulated, closed areas.
Edit the daemon.json file in the following location:
- Linux: /etc/docker/daemon.json
- Windows: C:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json
Whether we are using Docker Desktop for Mac or Docker Desktop for Windows, we should click the Docker icon, select Preferences for Mac or Settings for Windows, and then select Docker Engine.
If the daemon.json file does not exist, we can create it in the directory. The file should contain the following mandatory information if no other settings are present.
"insecure-registries" : [ "" ]
Replace the example address with the address of your unsecured registry container.
To test over HTTPS with an insecure registry enabled, Docker follows these steps:
- If HTTPS is available but the certificate is invalid, ignore the certificate error.
- If HTTPS is not available, use HTTP.
Restart the Docker container for the changes to take effect.
Keep in mind that as long as you follow these procedures, basic authentication will not work to access an insecure registry. Therefore, each Container Engine host that attempts to access your registry must perform the above steps again.
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