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在 C# 中实现计数器

作者:迹忆客 最近更新:2024/02/01 浏览次数:

在本指南中,我们将了解如何使用两个按钮在 C# 中创建递增和递减计数器。例如,如果有两个按钮,A 和 B。

按 A 和 B 应该增加计数器,按 A 和 B 应该分别减少计数器。让我们深入研究本指南并学习自己。

C# 中实现计数器



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace counter {
  class MyForm : Form {
    // Window  From Code
    Button buttonA;
    Button buttonB;

    void InitializeComponent() {
      buttonA.Clicked += Button_A_Click;  // btn_Clicked Event.. delgates..
      buttonB.Clicked += Button_B_Click;


在上面的代码中,我们制作了两个按钮并分配了事件委托。每当单击 buttonA 时,函数 Button_A_Click 将运行。


Button LastPressed = null;  // Track which button was last pressed.
int counter = 0;            // initializing Counter Value

LastPressed 将跟踪最后按下的按钮,计数器将跟踪递增和递减。接下来我们需要有两个函数来跟踪这一切。

void Button_A_Click(object source, EventArgs e) {
  if (LastPressed == buttonB)  // verifying which button is being pressed.
    // button B was pressed first, so decrement the counter
    --counter;  // decrementing...
    // reset state for the next button press
    LastPressed = null;  // again button set to null for next tracking..
  } else {
    LastPressed = buttonA;  // assging which button was pressed.

void Button_B_Click(object source, EventArgs e) {
  if (LastPressed == buttonA) {
    // buttonA was pressed 1st, so increment the counter
    // reset state for the next button press
    LastPressed = null;
  } else {
    LastPressed = buttonB;

如果点击 buttonA,程序将检查 LastPressed 中的值。如果是 buttonB,计数器将递减;如果没有,buttonA 将被分配给 LastPressed

buttonB 也是如此;如果 LastPressed 是 A,它将增加计数器;否则,将分配 buttonB。这就是你如何在 C# 中编写一个递增和递减计数器的程序。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace counter {
  class MyForm : Form {
    // Window  From Code
    Button buttonA;
    Button buttonB;

    void InitializeComponent() {
      buttonA.Clicked += Button_A_Click;  // btnB_Clicked Event.. delgates..
      buttonB.Clicked += Button_B_Click;

    Button LastPressed = null;  // Track which button was last pressed.
    int counter = 0;            // initializing Counter Value

    void Button_A_Click(object source, EventArgs e) {
      if (LastPressed == buttonB)  // verifying which button is being pressed.
        // button B was pressed first, so decrement the counter
        --counter;  // decrementing...
        // reset state for the next button press
        LastPressed = null;  // again button set to null for next tracking..
      } else {
        LastPressed = buttonA;  // assging which button was pressed.

    void Button_B_Click(object source, EventArgs e) {
      if (LastPressed == buttonA) {
        // buttonA was pressed 1st, so increment the counter
        // reset state for the next button press
        LastPressed = null;
      } else {
        LastPressed = buttonB;


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