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在 Python 中定义类全局变量

作者:迹忆客 最近更新:2023/12/17 浏览次数:



全局范围或环境由一组在整个程序中可见的变量组成。在 Python 中,作用域可能是 Python 程序中可以访问和使用变量、函数或模块的区域。


在编程中,变量被称为可用于存储值的内存位置。但是,在 Python 中,在类下创建的变量称为类变量,而在特定对象下声明的变量可能称为实例变量。



model = "SPlaid"
class Cars:


car_type = "SUV"
print("Outside all classes", car_type)

class Tesla:
    print("Type of the car within the Tesla class is:", car_type)

    def __init__(self, car_type):
        self.car_type = car_type

    def display_tesla(self):
        print("Type of car within a Tesla method:", car_type)

    # creating object to access method

tsl_object = Tesla(car_type)


class Lucid:
    print("Type of the car within the Lucid class is:", car_type)

    def __init__(self, car_type):
        self.car_type = car_type

    def display_lucid(self):
        print("Type of the car within the Lucid method:", car_type)

# creating an object to access the method within the Lucid Class.
lucid_object = Lucid(car_type)


Outside all classes SUV
Type of the car within the Tesla class is: SUV
Type of car within a Tesla method: SUV
Type of the car within the Lucid class is: SUV
Type of the car within the Lucid method: SUV


我们还可以使用 global 关键字修改局部范围变量以使其在全局范围内可用。

在函数中定义的任何变量都被认为是局部变量,因此只能在局部范围内使用。但是,使用 global 关键字,我们可以将局部变量的范围更改为可全局访问。

同样,我们也可以使类变量在使用 global 关键字定义的类之外可访问。类变量可以被该特定类之外的其他类和方法使用。


class Tesla:
    # creating a class variable
    speed = 60

    print("Acessing speed variable within the class:", speed)

    def __init__(self, speed):
        self.speed = speed

        def display_speed():

            print("Speed of the Tesla is:", speed)

print("Accessing the class variable outside the Tesla Class", speed)


print("Accessing the class variable outside the Tesla Class", speed)
NameError: name 'speed' is not defined

如上面的代码示例所示,我们试图访问在类 Tesla 中定义的类变量。但是,这会导致错误,因为在类中声明的变量只能在该类中单独访问。

但是,如前所述,我们可以通过在定义类变量之前使用 global 关键字来避免此错误。只有这样我们才能访问类外的变量。

class Tesla:
    # creating a class variable and making it a variable
    global speed
    speed = 60

    print("Accessing speed variable within the class:", speed)

    def __init__(self, speed):
        self.speed = speed

        def display_speed():

            print("Speed of the Tesla is:", speed)

print("Accessing the class variable outside of the Tesla class", speed)


Accessing speed variable within the class: 60
Accessing the class variable outside of the Tesla class 60


在上面的代码片段中,我们从 Lucid 类访问在 Tesla 类中定义为全局变量的速度变量。与前面出现错误的示例不同,我们可以访问该变量,因为它现在在全局范围内可用。

class Tesla:
    # creating a class variable and making it a global variable
    global speed
    speed = 60

    print("Acessing speed variable within the class:", speed)

    def __init__(self, speed):
        self.speed = speed

        def display_speed():
            print("Speed of the Tesla is:", speed)

# accessing the speed variable from outside the class
print("Accessing the class variable", speed)

class Lucid:
    # accessing the speed variables from a different class
    print("Accessing the speed variable from a different class:", speed)


Accessing speed variable within the class: 60
Accessing the class variable 60
Accessing the speed variable from a different class: 60


例如,在下面的代码图中,Lucid 类中定义的方法可以访问速度变量。仅当 global 关键字位于声明之前的类变量之前时,这才是可能的。

class Tesla:
    # creating a class variable and making it a global variable
    global speed
    speed = 60

    print("Accessing speed variable within the class:", speed)

    def __init__(self, speed):
        self.speed = speed

        def display_speed():

            print("Speed of the Tesla is:", speed)

print("Accessing the class variable", speed)

class Lucid:
    print("Accessing the speed variable from a different class:", speed)

    def __init__(self, speed):
        self.speed = speed

    def display_tesla_speed(self):
        print("Accessing the speed variable from a method in another class:", speed)

lucid_object = Lucid(speed)


Accessing speed variable within the class: 60
Accessing the class variable 60
Accessing the speed variable from a different class: 60
Accessing the speed variable from a method in another class: 60

上一篇:在 Python 中的 Lambda 函数中传递多个参数


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