Python multiprocessing 共享对象
在 Python 中,共享内存多处理由连接多个处理器组成,但这些处理器必须能够直接访问系统的主内存。 这将允许所有连接的处理器访问它们使用或创建的其他处理器数据。
在多进程中使用 Python 共享内存对象
在 Python 中使用 multiprocessing,一个新的进程可以独立运行并拥有自己的内存空间。 通过查看下面的示例,让我们详细了解使用 Python 的共享对象多处理。
import multiprocessing
#an empty array globally declared
answer = []
def square_numbers(mynumbers):
#for squaring array elements, a function has been used
global answer
#appending square numbers to a global array
for n in mynumbers:
answer.append(n * n)
#print a global array for generating an answer
print("Answer using first process: {}".format(answer))
if __name__ == "__main__":
#input array
mynumbers = [5,10,15]
#new process has been created
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=square_numbers, args=(mynumbers,))
#process begins here
#wait unless a process is completed
#print a global array for generating an answer
print("Answer using main program: {}".format(answer))
Answer using first process: [25, 100, 225]
Answer using main program: []
进程 p 调用 square_numbers 函数,以便在内存空间中为进程 p 更改数组元素。
主程序在进程 p 完成后运行,我们将在内存空间中得到一个空数组作为答案。
Python 中的多处理提供了值对象和一个数组,用于在多个进程之间共享数据。
import multiprocessing
def square_data(mydata, answer, square_sum):
#a function has been made for squaring of given data
#appending squares of mydata to the given array
for ix, n in enumerate(mydata):
answer[ix] = n * n
#sum the square values
square_sum.value = sum(answer)
#print array of squared values for process p
print("Answer in process p: {}".format(answer[:]))
# print the sum of squared values for process p
print("Sum of squares values in process p: {}".format(square_sum.value))
if __name__ == "__main__":
#here, we input the data
mydata = [1,2,3]
#an array has been created for the int data type for three integers
answer = multiprocessing.Array('i', 3)
#value has been created for int data type
square_sum = multiprocessing.Value('i')
#new process has been created
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=square_data, args=(mydata, answer, square_sum))
#process begins from here
#wait unless the process is completed
# print an array of squared values for the main program
print("Answer in main program: {}".format(answer[:]))
# print the sum of squared values for the main program
print("Sum of square values in main program: {}".format(square_sum.value))
Answer in process p: [1, 4, 9]
Sum of squares in process p: 14
Answer in main program: [1, 4, 9]
Sum of squares in main program: 14
在上面的示例中,我们创建了一个数组并将三个整数传递给它。 我们打印了一个平方值数组,然后是进程 p 的平方值之和。
可以通过多种方式来解释使用 Python 的共享内存多处理。 因此,在本文中,我们解释了多进程共享内存概念,即一个对象如何放置在共享内存空间并独立运行。
除此之外,我们还了解到 Python 允许进程在不同进程之间共享数据。
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