TypeScript 中的声明或语句预期错误
本篇文章解释了 JavaScript 或 TypeScript 中的 Declaration or statement expected
JavaScript 或 TypeScript 中的预期的声明或语句
当我们在代码中出现语法错误时,就会出现 JavaScript 或 TypeScript 中的 Declaration or statement expected
考虑以下代码示例,其中由于代码中的语法错误而出现不同的 Declaration or statement expected
let oneData: number;
const obj = {
val: 1,
// 1. ⛔️ Parsing error: Declaration or statement expected.
{ oneData } = obj; // 👈️ this must be wrapped in parenthesis
const sumObj = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;
// 2. ⛔️ Error: Parsing error: Declaration or statement expected.eslint
export sumObj // 👈️ should be export {sum}
// 3. Make sure you're not using reserved words
const caseVal = 'hello world' // 👈️ case is reserved word
//output or errors
Variable 'one' is used before being assigned.
Declaration or statement expected. This '=' follows a block of statements, so if you intend to write a destructuring assignment, you might need to wrap the whole assignment in parentheses.
Declaration or statement expected.
'case' is not allowed as a variable declaration name.
Variable declaration expected.
Variable declaration expected.
考虑以下代码,正确编译且没有 Declaration or statement expected
let val: number;
const obj = {
val: 1,
// ✅ OK
({ val } = obj); // 👈️ this must be wrapped in parenthesis
console.log(val); // 👉️ 1
const objSum = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;
// ✅ OK
export { objSum };
在 TypeScript 中使用 try..catch..finally 处理异常
发布时间:2023/03/19 浏览次数:385 分类:TypeScript
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在 TypeScript 中使用 declare 关键字
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在 TypeScript 中 get 和 set
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在 TypeScript 中格式化日期和时间
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在 TypeScript 中返回一个 Promise
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在 TypeScript 中定义函数回调的类型
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在 TypeScript 中把 JSON 对象转换为一个类
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使用 NPM 将 TypeScript 更新到最新版本
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使用 jQuery 和 TypeScript
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