TypeScript 中的重载构造函数
TypeScript 还支持构造函数重载;但是,它不同于 C++ 或 Java 等语言中的传统构造函数重载。
在 TypeScript 中,可以通过声明多个构造函数或让单个构造函数伴随着 ?
class Fruits {
public apple : string | number;
public numBananas : number;
public unknownFruit : string;
// default
// // parameterized constructors
constructor(a : string );
constructor(a : string , b : number );
constructor(a : number , b : number, c : string );
// common implementation
constructor( a? : string | number, b? : number, c? : string ){
this.apple = 0;
if ( a !== undefined ){
this.apple = a;
if ( typeof a === "string"){
console.log("Got apple of country: ", this.apple);
} else if ( typeof a === "number") {
console.log("Number of apples got: ", this.apple);
} else {
console.log("Apple field assigned 0 by default constructor");
this.numBananas = b ?? 0;
this.unknownFruit = c ?? "";
var fruitDefaultConstrutor = new Fruits();
var fruitWithOnlyAppleDecalred = new Fruits("India");
var fruitWithAppleBananaDecalred = new Fruits("India", 4);
var fruitWithAppleBananaUnkwownDeclared = new Fruits(8, 4, "Orange");
"Apple field assigned 0 by default constructor"
"Got apple of country: ", "India"
"Got apple of country: ", "India"
"Number of apples got: ", 8
我们在 Fruits
表示如 a? : 字符串 |数字
然而,调用 new Fruits("India", 4, "Orange")
class Fruits {
public apple : string | number;
public numBananas : number;
public unknownFruit : string;
// common implementation
constructor( a? : string | number, b? : number, c? : string ){
this.apple = 0;
if ( a !== undefined ){
this.apple = a;
if ( typeof a === "string"){
console.log("Got apple of country : ", this.apple);
} else if ( typeof a === "number") {
console.log("Number of apples got : ", this.apple);
} else {
console.log("Apple field assigned 0 by default constructor");
this.numBananas = b ?? 0;
this.unknownFruit = c ?? "";
"Got apple of country : ", "India"
当处理许多构造函数并使用 ?
时,构造函数重载逻辑很快就会变得丑陋。和联合运算符。初始化类的另一种方法是通过 TypeScript 中的静态工厂模式。
class Fruits {
public apple : string | number;
public numBananas : number;
public unknownFruit : string;
this.apple = "";
this.numBananas = 0;
this.unknownFruit = "";
static fromAppleCountry( a : string) : Fruits {
var fruits = new Fruits();
fruits.apple = a;
console.log("Got apple of country : ", fruits.apple);
return fruits;
var fruitWithOnlyAppleDecalred = Fruits.fromAppleCountry("India");
"Got apple of country : ", "India"
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