Terminating a Process in Bash
This article will first discuss the different concepts related to Linux processes. After this, we will learn the different ways to terminate a process.
Before going into the kill command, we must understand some preliminary concepts.
Simple procedures and Bash procedures
An active or running program in an operating system is called a process. For example, when we run an editor or a browser, the operating system creates a process for each.
On the other hand, a simple executable file that is run in the system through Bash is called a Bash process. For example, whenever we run any application like calculator through Bash shell, a new Bash process is created.
Process Identifier (PID)
The unique number or identifier assigned to each running process is called PID (Process Identifier). The ps command displays all running processes and their PIDs.
The ps command displays the PIDs of all running processes. For example:
The pidof command also displays the PID of the running process. We can find the PID of a running process using the process name.
The pgrep command also displays the PID of the running process. We can grep the PID by process name using the pgrep command.
Terminating a Process in Bash
There are many options in Bash to terminate a running process. Here are some of the options you can use:
Use the Ctrl+C signal
We can interrupt or terminate the running process and send SIGINT using Ctrl+C keys. Ctrl+C sends an interrupt signal and the running program is killed or the running program is interrupted.
The above image shows the sleep 100 command being interrupted using Ctrl+C. When we use Ctrl+C to terminate or interrupt a running program, the exit code is 130 and we can use echo $?
the command.
Using the kill command
We can kill
kill a running process using the kill command. To kill a running process, we need the PID of the process.
Following is kill
the syntax of the command:
kill <pid>
The kill command uses the PID of any process to kill it. We can find the PID of any process using ps, pidof or pgrep commands.
The above image shows a process with PID 14857 being killed by the kill command.
We can also kill any process using the process name instead of its PID. pkill or killall command can kill any process with a name.
Following is the syntax of pkill and killall commands:
pkill <name>
All the above kill commands will send SIGKILL to the running process. If any command hangs the running process, we need to specify the signal number or signal.
The above figure shows a kill -9
process killed using the command. We can use the kill -SIGKILL <PID>
or kill -9 <PID
command to send a termination signal number or termination signal, where 9 is the SIGKILL number.
We can also use SIGKILL or 9 with the -h pkill
or -h killall
The above image shows the use of pkill -9
the command to kill a sleeping process.
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