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Check if a file exists using batch processing

Author:JIYIK Last Updated:2025/03/20 Views:

This article will demonstrate how to use a batch script to check if a file exists through sample code.

Check if a file exists using batch script

The general format or syntax of the code to check if a file exists is provided below.

IF EXIST filename.txt (
    action if file exists
) ELSE (
    action if the file doesn't exist

The following example checks if the file simple.txt exists. If the file exists, it is displayed File exists!!!; if the file does not exist, it displays the message: File missing!!!.

Sample code:

IF EXIST simple.txt (
    echo File exists!!!
) ELSE (
    echo File missing!!!


File exists!!!

Keep in mind that the methods discussed here are written using batch scripting and will only work with Windows CMD.

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