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Reading file into variable in batch script

Author:JIYIK Last Updated:2025/03/22 Views:

Sometimes, we need to put the entire contents of a file into a variable for various purposes, such as finding specific data from a file, replacing a specific part of a file, etc. In Batch, it is very easy to put the entire file contents in a variable.

This article will show us how to get the entire file content into a variable, and in addition, we will see an example and explanation to make this topic easier to understand.

Use FOR loop to read files in batches

To do this, we will use a FOR loop in Batch. The general syntax is as follows,

FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%VAR in (YOUR_FILE.txt) DO echo %%VAR

Let's look at an example on this topic.

Example of batch fetching file contents in variables

This example will demonstrate how to get the contents of a file into a variable using a simple, one-line batch code. But before we begin, suppose we have a text file with the following content:

Jiyik is a perfect platform for learning.
Jiyik is a perfect platform for learning.
Jiyik is a perfect platform for learning.
Jiyik is a perfect platform for learning.
Jiyik is a perfect platform for learning.

Now to read the above file in a variable, the command in Batch will be as follows:

@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%R in (Mytext.txt) DO echo %%R

After running the above command, you will get the following output in the console:

Jiyik is a perfect platform for learning.
Jiyik is a perfect platform for learning.
Jiyik is a perfect platform for learning.
Jiyik is a perfect platform for learning.
Jiyik is a perfect platform for learning.

请注意, you have to run the command at the location where the file is located. So if you are not at that location, you have to go to that location using the CD command.

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