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在 PHP 中检查 Not Null 和空字符串的语法

作者:迹忆客 最近更新:2023/03/27 浏览次数:

本文教你如何在 PHP 中检查非 null 和空字符串。我们将使用 PHP empty()is_null() 函数以及否定运算符。

在 PHP 中使用 is_null() 检查 Not Null

PHP is_null 函数将检查变量是否为空。同时,你可以使用否定运算符附加它,它会检查变量是否不为空。

在 PHP 中,否定运算符是感叹号 (!)。我们在下面给出一个例子,我们检查一个字符串是否不为空。

    // Define a simple string
    $sample_string = "I am a string";

    // Check if it's not null. We use PHP is_null
    // function, but we've added the negation
    // sign before it.
    if (!is_null($sample_string)) {
        echo "Your variable <b>" . $sample_string . "</b> is not null.";
    } else {
        echo "Your variable is null.";


Your variable <b>I am a string</b> is not null.

在 PHP 中使用 empty() 检查空字符串

PHP empty() 函数允许你检查空字符串。此外,empty() 函数可以检查 PHP 评估为空的其他值。

在下面的示例中,我们使用 empty() 函数来测试空字符串以及其他值。

    $empty_string = "";
    $integer_zero = 0;
    $decimal_zero = 0.0;
    $string_zero = "0";
    $null_keyword = NULL;
    $boolean_false = FALSE;
    $array_with_no_data = [];

    if (empty($empty_string)) {
        echo "This message means the argument to function empty() was an empty string. <br />";

    if (empty($integer_zero)) {
        echo $integer_zero . " is empty. <br />";

    if (empty($decimal_zero)) {
        echo number_format($decimal_zero, 1) . " is empty. <br />";

    if (empty($string_zero)) {
        echo $string_zero . " as a string is empty. <br />";

    if (empty($null_keyword)) {
        echo "NULL is empty. <br />";

    if (empty($boolean_false)) {
        echo"FALSE is empty. <br />";

    if (empty($array_with_no_data)) {
        echo "Your array is empty. <br />";

    if (empty($uninitialized_variable)) {
        echo "Yes, your uninitialized variable is empty.";


This message means the argument to function empty() was an empty string. <br />
0 is empty. <br />
0.0 is empty. <br />
0 as a string is empty. <br />
NULL is empty. <br />
FALSE is empty. <br />
Your array is empty. <br />
Yes, your uninitialized variable is empty.

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  • qq:1244347461



