React Tutorial - Transferring Props
In React , a very common pattern is to abstract and encapsulate components. These components will expose some properties (Props) to perform some simple functions, but their internal details may be more complicated. In general, Props are unchanged. Here is how to use them:
Let's first use a piece of code to see how Props is used
var CommentBox = React.createClass({
return (
<div className="CommentBox">
Hello, world! I am a {}.
<CommentBox name="Props" />,
See, it's actually that simple to use Props. From the above example, we can see that Props can actually be seen as a way to communicate between components. Of course, the communication between components will be introduced later. Here we only introduce the transfer of Props - Transferring Props .
Okay, let's continue looking at the following code
var Checkbox = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var Cbox = this.props.checked ? 'Checked' : 'Unchecked';
return (
<div className={Cbox} >
<Checkbox checked={true}>
Hello world!
</Checkbox >,
There is nothing wrong with this code. However, if I want to add attributes such as title, name, onClick, etc. to the div tag, do I need to write each one in the component?
<div className={fancyClass} onClick={this.props.onClick} name={} title={this.props.title}>
This is obviously very verbose and unsafe. We can solve this problem by using the JSX feature… Its function is to extract unknown attributes.
Its usage is to list the attributes to be used currently, followed by ...other (Note: the string following ... is not fixed to be other, it can also be other, for example: onmpw).
var {checked, ...other} = this.props;
This ensures that all props except those explicitly used are passed down. At this time, ...other stores all properties except the checked property. For the above example, we can rewrite it as follows
var Checkbox = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var {checked , ...other} = this.props;
var Cbox = checked ? 'Checked' : 'Unchecked';
return (
<div className={Cbox} {...other} />
<Checkbox checked={true} title="迹忆博客" name="onmpw">
Hello world!
</Checkbox >,
在这个例子中,…other 中的属性为title、name和children,没有checked。
var {checked,title , ...other} = this.props;
这样,在 ...other 中的属性为name和children,就也不包含title了。
下面我们介绍一个和…other 类似的知识点,就是 …this.props。看下面的例子:
var Checkbox = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var Cbox = this.props.checked ? 'Checked' : 'Unchecked';
return (
<div className={Cbox} {...this.props} />
var Checkbox = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var { checked, title, ...other } = this.props;
var Cbox = checked ? 'FancyChecked' : 'FancyUnchecked';
var boxTitle = checked ? 'Y ' + title : 'N ' + title;
return (
<input {...other}
<Checkbox checked={true} name="onmpw" title="迹忆博客" />,
这里我们要注意属性的顺序。我们把input中{…other}放在JSX Props的前面是保证JSX的Props不被覆盖。在上面的例子中我们就可以保证input的类型就是checkbox。
<Checkbox type="text" checked={true} name="onmpw" title="Ji Yi Blog" />
What you end up with is not a checkbox, but an input box, because the type="checkbox" attribute of input is overwritten by the type attribute in ...other.
Well, I believe that everyone has a clearer understanding of the concept of React Props and the transmission of Props. I hope this article will be helpful for everyone to learn React.
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