React solves the problem of Ref returning undefined or null
React most commonly returns undefined or null when we try to access the current property before its corresponding DOM element is rendered . To solve this problem, you need to useEffect
access it in a hook or when an event is triggered ref
Let's look at the following code in App.js
import {useRef, useEffect} from 'react';
export default function App() {
const ref = useRef();
console.log(ref.current); // 👈️ undefined
useEffect(() => {
const el2 = ref.current;
console.log(el2); // 👈️ 这里打印元素
}, []);
return (
<div ref={ref}>
The results of running the above code are as follows
The hook can be passed an initial value as an argument. The hook returns a mutable ref object whose .current
attributes are initialized to the passed argument.
We didn't pass an initial value to useRef
, so its current property is set to undefined .
If we pass null to the hook, then its current property will be null if accessed immediately .
Note that we have to access the current property of the ref object to access the div element on which we set the ref attribute.
When we ref
pass the prop to an element, for example <div ref={myRef} />
, React sets the property ref
of the object .current
to the corresponding DOM node.
We use
the hook because we want to make sure that the ref is set on the element and that the element has been rendered to the DOM.
If we try to access the current property of directly in the component , we'll get undefined because the ref hasn't been set yet and the div element hasn't been rendered yet.
We can also access the current properties of the event handler .
import {useRef, useEffect} from 'react';
export default function App() {
const ref = useRef();
console.log(ref.current); // 👈️ undefined
useEffect(() => {
const el2 = ref.current;
console.log(el2); // 👈️ 这里打印元素
}, []);
const handleClick = () => {
console.log(ref.current); // 👈️ 这里打印元素
return (
<div ref={ref}>
<button onClick={handleClick}>Click</button>
When the user clicks the button, the ref is already set and the corresponding element has been rendered to the DOM, so we can access it.
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