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React Project Management

Author:JIYIK Last Updated:2025/03/02 Views:

In the article "Beginner's Guide to React - Building a React Runtime Environment", we only introduced how to build a React runtime environment, which is actually how to reference the React library. But I think it is still a bit confusing for novices to just read this article, after all, it is not a complete project. How to manage a React project has become a more difficult problem.

Below I will use my own example to introduce to you how to manage a React project.

For a complete project, we definitely need to build a server. In our project, we use node.js to build web services. Simply speaking, node.js can be considered as Apache+php.

The directory of the entire project is as follows

The api directory is the Node.js interface, src is the React source code, and the builds directory stores the packaged Javascript source code.

It should be noted that although the files in api, src and builds are all js files, the ones in api belong to Node.js, which runs on the server. The js in builds is used for client requests and runs on the browser. Therefore, please do not confuse the two.

As for how to use Node.js to build a web service, I have a simple code in the server.js file above. You can check the server.js file content to see how to build a web service. You can also download the complete code for reference.

So before we start learning, we should first simply build a web service. After building the web service, we can modify the code in src. As for how to modify the code on the server, there are many ways. We can use svn to check out the code on the server to the local, write the React code with the local editor, and then submit it through svn. In this way, the code in src can be modified. In the article "React Introduction - Building React Operating Environment" , we said that using the webpack –watch command can monitor whether the code in src has changed. If it has changed, it will be automatically repackaged into builds. So we only need to modify and submit our code.

If the IP address of my server is, the port that the node service listens on is 1001. Then the src in the <script> tag below becomes the http access method.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Hello React!</title>
<div id="content"></div>
<!-- Here type will also be changed to text/javascript or omitted -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

We can refer to the above article for comparison.

For reprinting, please send an email to 1244347461@qq.com for approval. After obtaining the author's consent, kindly include the source as a link.

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