Running a batch script in silent mode
If you run CMD without silent mode, the command prompt will print every line of code in CMD. This article will show you how to activate CMD silent mode via batch script.
We will also learn different ways to run batch scripts silently. We will look at some examples and explanations to make the topic easier.
Run batch scripts in silent mode using @echo off command
The built-in command in Batch called echo is used for many purposes in scripts. We will include @ in the command echo.
Suppose you add the command at the beginning of the script @echo off
. Let's look at the following example.
SET /A x = 15
SET /A y = 25
SET /A z = %x% + %y%
ECHO The sum of a and b is %z%
IF %z% LSS 20 (echo The result is less than 20) ELSE (echo The result is greater than 20)
In the above example, we added two numbers and checked if the number is less than 20. But the point is, if you don’t use the command @echo off at the beginning of the code, you will get an output like the one below.
C:\Destination\Author>SET /A x = 15
C:\Destination\Author>SET /A y = 25
C:\Destination\Author>SET /A z = 15 + 25
C:\Destination\Author>ECHO The sum of a and b is 40
The sum of a and b is 40
C:\Destination\Author>IF 40 LSS 20 (echo The result is less than 20 ) ELSE (echo The result is greater than 20 )
The result is greater than 20
Now, if you use the command at the beginning of your script @echo off
, your output will look like this:
The sum of a and b is 40
The result is greater than 20
So, the command @echo off will turn off the display of each line in the batch script and give nice output.
Using third-party software to run batch scripts silently
Below, we share some third-party software that can be used to execute batch scripts.
Hidden Start (HStart)
Hidden Launch is a powerful and portable tool with which you can apply multiple options to launch scripts and executables. You will have options to hide the console window, run with highest privileges, etc.
To run a batch script with the help of this third-party software, you just need to provide the location of the file and add it to the executable.
SilentCMD is a small, lightweight third-party tool that can be used to run batch scripts. The basic syntax when running a batch script using SilentCMD is:
SilentCMD [path to your file] [your batch arguments] [ available options]
NirCMD is a third-party software created by NirSoft. It is a small tool with multiple functions that can perform multiple tasks without opening any console window.
The general syntax for using this third-party software is:
nircmd exec hide [ Your Path to file]
Run batch scripts silently using VB scripts
You can run a batch file using Visual Basic Script. To run a batch script with the help of VB Script, you can follow the example below:
SET WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\YourLocation\YourScript.bat" & Chr(34), 0
SET WshShell = Nothing
Run batch scripts silently using Task Scheduler
You can also run the batch script as a scheduled task through Task Scheduler. To do this, you must follow these steps:
- Open Task Scheduler.
Now, click on Create Task.
Provide your name and required information here.
Now, click on the Actions tab and then click New.
- Now provide the exact location of the batch script, select the action, and provide optional settings if necessary.
- Finally, click OK in both open windows.
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