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Reverting local changes to a previous state in Git

Author:JIYIK Last Updated:2025/03/28 Views:

Suppose Mariois assigned a task and is about to complete it, but the client changes their requirements and asks Marioto stop working on the previously assigned task, what would be the perfect solution to this dilemma?

In this article, you will learn how to revert local changes to a previous state in Git.

Recovering unstaged local changes in Git

If you didn't use the command you normally use to push files to your staging area git add, you can easily navigate to a previous state by following the steps below.

  • Use git statusto confirm the status of the file.
    $ git status
    On branch dev
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/dev'.
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    	modified:   frontend/src/index.tsx
    	modified:   frontend/src/common/components/index.tsx
    	modified:   frontend/src/common/components/index.css
  • Given the status, you can use any of the following options based on your preference.
    • Overwriting local changes
    git checkout -- <file>
    • Save local changes for later use in your project,
    git stash
    • Discard all changes made to the file
    git reset --hard

Undoing local changes in Git

If you git addadded the file using the command, we can restore it to its previous state by following the steps below.

  • Use git statusto confirm the availability of the added file.
  • Now that you have seen the staged files, you can select the files you want to restore based on the situation and use the following command.
    1. Keep changes to the file, but do not stage them.
    git restore --staged <file_name_with.path>
    1. Unstage all files that have changes.
    git reset
    1. Discard all changes and save for later use.
    git stash

    NOTE: Use to git stash popundo git stashthe effects of and to git stash listlist the available storage.

    1. Throw away everything
    git reset --hard

Previous:Adding files in Git

Next: None

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Article URL:https://www.jiyik.com/en/xwzj/opersys_10159.html

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