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Detailed explanation of the implementation methods of SSO single sign-on in three situations

Author:JIYIK Last Updated:2025/03/18 Views:

Single Sign On (SSO) is not unfamiliar to us. For large systems, using SSO can reduce a lot of trouble for users. Take Baidu for example. Baidu has many subsystems - Baidu Experience, Baidu Knows, Baidu Library, etc. If we need to enter a username and password to log in to each system when using these systems, I believe the user experience will definitely plummet. Of course, for systems such as personal blogs, SSO is not necessary at all.

Suppose our system is huge, but it is just one system without any subsystems. In this case, we do not need single sign-on. What we need is to build a cluster environment. Although there is only one system here, if multiple hosts are load balanced, the problem of session sharing will be involved . Session sharing problem will be easier to solve than SSO.

Well, let's not worry about systems that don't require single sign-on. The title has already indicated the three situations of SSO single sign-on. Let's introduce these three situations respectively.

How to verify different sites under the same domain name

As we know, PHP form authentication is completely dependent on Cookies. Therefore, if two sites can share the same authentication cookie, it will be easy to log in to multiple sites with the same user.

According to the HTTP protocol, two sites can share cookies. The premise is that the two sites are under the same domain name (or a second-level domain name). In this case, the cookies belong to the same domain. The browser will store the cookies and the domain to which the cookies belong locally. When you visit any sub-site under the domain, the browser will send these cookies to the site system.

Suppose we have two sites


These two sites share the same host address and are both under the same domain name. If you have just logged into www.onmpw.com/site1, your browser will have an authentication cookie from www.onmpw.com/site1. When you click on any subpage under site1, these cookies will be sent to site1. This is easy to understand. Similarly, when you request www.onmpw.com/site2, these cookies will also be sent with the request for any page under site2. Why is this so? Because the domain of the cookie stored on the browser side is www.onmpw.com. Site1 and site2 belong to the same domain. So both sites can get the cookies under this domain.

In this case, if the system is PHP, we don't need to do any special processing. We just need to verify it in the normal way. Because the sessionId of the two is the same, as long as their session information is saved in the same place, it will be fine.

How to do single sign-on for the same domain but different subdomains

If our site is deployed according to the following domain name


Both sites share the same domain onmpw.com.

By default, the browser will send the host corresponding to the domain to which the cookie belongs. In other words, the default domain of the cookie from sub1.onmpw.com is .sub1.onmpw.com. Therefore, sub2.onmpw.com will not get any cookie information belonging to sub1.onmpw.com. Because they are on different hosts and their subdomains are also different.

In this case, if we use PHP to implement it, we can set the cookie information of both to the same domain.

First login sub1.onmpw.com system

After the second login is successful, set the cookie information. It should be noted here that we can save the username and password in the cookie, but when setting it, the domain of the cookie must be set to the top-level domain .onmpw.com. Here you can use the setcookie function, the fourth parameter of which is used to set the domain of the cookie.


Third, when accessing the sub2.onmpw.com system, the browser will send the username and password in the cookie to the sub2.onmpw.com system together with the request. At this time, the system will first check whether the session is logged in. If not, it will verify the username and password in the cookie to achieve automatic login.

Fourth, after logging in successfully, write the session information. In the future, you can use your own session information for verification.

Of course, the method of logging in to sub2.onmpw.com is the same. After the above steps, you can achieve single sign-on for different secondary domain names.

However, there is a problem here. After the sub1 system exits, it can only clear its own session information and the cookie information of the domain .onmpw.com. It cannot clear the session information of the sub2 system. Then sub2 is still logged in. In other words, although this method can achieve single sign-on, it cannot achieve simultaneous exit. The reason is that although sub1 and sub2 can share cookies through the setting of the setcookie function, their sessionIds are different, and this sessionId is also stored in the form of cookies in the browser, but the domain it belongs to is not .onmpw.com. In other words, the sessionIds of the two are different.

How to solve this problem? We know that in this case, as long as the sessionId of the two systems is the same, this problem can be solved. That is to say, the domain of the cookie storing the sessionId is also .onmpw.com. In PHP, the sessionId is generated after the session_start() call. If you want sub1 and sub2 to have the same sessionId, you must set the domain of the sessionId before session_start(). There are two ways:

First, use the PHP function ini_set function to set as follows

ini_set('session.cookie_path', '/');
ini_set('session.cookie_domain', '.onmpw.com');
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', '0');

第二 直接修改php.ini 文件

session.cookie_path = /
session.cookie_domain = '.onmpw.com'
session.cookie_lifetime = 0









Single sign-on cross-domain session settings between different domains


Flowchart of setting up cross-domain session for single sign-on between different domains



[状态: 浏览器还没有验证的cookie信息]


[状态: 浏览器还没有验证的cookie信息]


[状态: 浏览器还没有验证的cookie信息]


[状态: 浏览器还没有验证的cookie信息]


[状态: 浏览器还没有验证的cookie信息]


[状态: 浏览器还没有验证的cookie信息]



















Single sign-on between different domains using third-party authentication service SSO



并且我们还有一个专门用来进行验证的服务站点www.SSOsite.com(以下简称SSOsite) 。


Single sign-on between different domains using third-party authentication service SSO flow chart 1



·onmpw1向浏览器发送重定向到SSOsite的命令。并且在地址中添加一个返回地址(ReturnUrl)参数query string,该参数的值就是最初向onmpw1请求的地址。




Single sign-on between different domains using third-party authentication service SSO flow chart 2

·用户提供了身份验证信息并且点击了登录按钮。现在不会再去重定向到SSOsite。这时,onmpw1调用SSOsite 中的web/WCF服务去检查用户提供的身份验证信息。成功验证,会将带有token属性的用户对象返回给onmpw1。而这个token是每一次用户登录都会生成的。


·SSOsite检查收到的URL地址,会在其中发现用户token。通过该token可以知道用户已经成功登录onmpw1了,所以SSOsite需要准备验证的cookie信息。因此,它会使用token在缓存中取出用户信息来生成cookie信息,而且还会在cookie中设置一些其他的信息(例如过期时间等)。然后把cookie加入到响应信息中。最后重定向到最初的ReturnUrl地址。同时token还是要被加在query string中带过去的。


·现在onmpw1看到用户token在query string 参数中,然后会再次通过web/WCF服务去在SSOsite上验证token。验证成功以后会将最初刚开始请求的页面发送给浏览器用于向用户输出。


Single sign-on between different domains using third-party authentication service SSO flow chart 3












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