PHP cluster session sharing
The concept of cluster is not complicated. It is actually multiple computers working together for the same goal. In Web applications, multiple servers provide services for a site.
The first step to build a PHP cluster is to set up load balancing. First we need three hosts:
Nginx load:
PHP application 1:
PHP application 2:
Previously, we needed to install a web server such as Nginx or Apache on the host where the PHP application is located, and then use Nginx as the load in front . The communication between the Nginx load and the PHP application is at the application layer, and the Nginx load is actually equivalent to a proxy. However, the situation is different now. The application of Fastcgi technology allows the PHP application layer to no longer need to install a web server. Now PHP5.5 version has supported fpm as an internal module. In this case, the communication between the Nginx load and the PHP application is at the transport layer, and the two use sockets for communication. Of course, this requires the support of the fpm service .
Nginx Setup
First, set up Nginx ( and edit the nginx.conf configuration file
upstream onmpw_phpApps{
listen 80;
server_name ##This is the domain name
root /www/onmpw
location ~ \.php$ {
root /www/onmpw ##This is the directory where the PHP application is located
fastcgi_pass onmpw_phpApps;
The above is the configuration of Nginx. It only contains the key parts, and the rest is the same as the configuration we usually use when using Nginx+PHP as a web service.
PHP host settings
The settings here are relatively simple.
First edit the php-fpm.conf file, modify the listening ip and port, and then start the fpm service
Listen = //The port here can be set by yourself. Save and exit
# /usr/local/php/sbin/php-fpm //Start the service
Listen =
# /usr/local/php/sbin/php-fpm
At this point, the PHP host settings are complete. Of course, the code needs to be uploaded to both hosts.
Well, after the above settings, a basic PHP cluster has been built. But there is a problem. If you only access static resources or do not interact, there is no problem. If you need to interact, it involves a session sharing issue. By default, PHP stores the session on the local disk. So how do you share the session between the two hosts? Let's solve this problem.
Session sharing between PHP hosts
I have seen a solution on the Internet before. Since PHP stores sessions in files, we can build a distributed file system (NFS) on the Nginx load host and store the sessions of the two PHP hosts in this file system. This will achieve the purpose of sharing sessions.
I personally prefer to store sessions in a database. So here I will introduce how to store sessions in redis. So we need to add a Redis server
Redis server:
PHP does not support Redis operations by default. So here we need to manually install a third-party extension to enable it to support Redis operations. For how to enable PHP to support Redis, we can refer to "Two Ways to Operate Redis with PHP" .
Here I think our PHP already supports Redis. The next step is to store the session in Redis. There are two ways: one is to directly modify the PHP configuration file php.ini; the other is to rewrite the session mechanism.
Modify the PHP configuration file php.ini to store the session in Redis
Use vim to open php.ini. There are two items that need to be modified: session.save_handler and session.save_path.
session.save_handler = Redis
session.save_path = "tcp://"
//Redis does not require password verification
session.save_path = "tcp://"
//Redis requires password verification
After the modification is completed, save and exit. Then restart the php-fpm service
# kill -INT `cat /usr/local/php/var/run/`
# /usr/local/php/sbin/php-fpm
Both PHP hosts follow the above steps. After the above steps, all session information is saved in Redis, thus achieving session sharing.
Store session in Redis by rewriting the session mechanism
Usually, in many cases we do not have permission to modify the php.ini file. At this time, we can modify the storage of session information by rewriting the session mechanism.
For rewriting session, PHP has provided us with SessionHandlerInterface interface. We just need to implement this interface. For how to rewrite session mechanism, you can refer to the article "PHP rewrite session mechanism" . And I also rewrote the session mechanism myself. The complete code of this class is on github. If you are interested, you can check
There are many ways to structure a PHP cluster, but the principles are similar. The key is to find the best solution that suits your project. For example, for the choice of session storage method, you can also choose to use memcache or mysql database. In short, the one that suits you best is the best. I hope this article will be helpful to you.
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