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My understanding of the Paxos algorithm

Author:JIYIK Last Updated:2025/03/19 Views:

In a distributed system, a core issue is data consistency. Therefore, the consistency algorithm is of utmost importance in a distributed system. The Paxos algorithm is designed to solve the consistency problem, but it has always been considered difficult to understand, probably because it is described in ordinary language, so it is difficult for readers to understand. If you want to understand the Paxos algorithm, it is recommended to read the "original book" - "Paxos Made Simple" first.

Okay, without further ado, let’s enter the world of Paxos.


Assuming that a group of programs want to submit some values, how can we ensure the uniqueness of these values? The consistency algorithm is to ensure that only one value is selected among these values. Of course, if a value is selected, then these programs should be able to obtain this selected value.

Therefore, we can see that there should be three roles in this process - proposers, acceptors and learners. In the process of implementing this algorithm, a member may have to play multiple roles.

The simplest way to select a worthwhile candidate is to have only one acceptor in each group, and a proposer submits a proposal to this acceptor, which selects the first proposal it receives. Although this method is simple, it does not meet our requirements. Because once the acceptor has a problem, the program will not be able to continue.

Therefore, we need to use other methods to select this value. Instead of using a single acceptor, we use multiple acceptors to complete this process. That is to say, the proposer changes from submitting proposals to one acceptor to submitting proposals to a group of acceptors. An acceptor will approve a proposal. When the value of a proposal is approved by all acceptors in a large enough group, the proposal is said to be selected. Then the question is, how large is a large enough group [Q1] ?

For Q1, we can understand it this way: for all acceptors, there is a set {acceptor1, acceptor2, acceptor3, .., acceptor(n)} A. Suppose there is a set T, each element in T is a group of acceptors. These groups in T are composed of acceptors in A.

T: {{acceptor(k),acceptor(k+1), ...,acceptor(j)}, {acceptor1,acceptor2,...,acceptor(m)}, ..., {acceptor(l),acceptor(l+1),...,acceptor(n)}}

For any two sets of acceptors in T, there is at least one common acceptor. Such a set T can be considered large enough, that is, a large enough group proposed in Q1.

OK, now that we know that the group is large enough, we can move on. Because any two groups have at least one common acceptor, a proposal can only be selected if an acceptor approves at most one proposal. It should be noted here that an acceptor can only approve at most one proposal during an election. When the next election is held, the acceptor is allowed to approve the proposal again. At this point, you may be a little confused about this issue. It doesn't matter, please continue reading. Once you understand the following questions, you will suddenly understand them when you come back here.

In the absence of information loss, even if only one proposer submits a proposal, we hope that the proposal will be selected. This leads to the first condition in the Paxos algorithm:

P1. An acceptor must approve the first proposal it receives.

In the original book it says:

P1. An acceptor must accept the first proposal that it recevies.

My translation here should be correct.

However, we see that the requirement of P1 should cause such a problem. When multiple proposers submit multiple different proposals at the same time, it is possible that no proposal will be approved by more than a majority of acceptors [Q2] . How should we understand this problem? Under the requirement of P1, each acceptor must approve the first proposal it receives. So the following scenario will occur:

The proposals received by multiple acceptors are different

That is, acceptor 1 receives value1 first, acceptor 2 receives value2 first, and so on. They all approve the first proposal they receive, which leads to the problem in Q2. Even if only two proposals are proposed and each proposal is approved by almost half of the acceptors, even if only one acceptor fails, there is no way to guarantee that a proposal will be selected under P1's requirements.

We know that the premise for a proposal to be selected is that the proposal is approved by more than half of the acceptors. And P1 stipulates that an acceptor must approve the first proposal it receives, so the P1 condition gives rise to the question Q2 we explained above. So based on the above situation, we can deduce that an acceptor must be allowed to receive multiple proposals. The acceptor will assign a serial number to each proposal. So at this point our proposal has been changed. It is no longer composed of only value. The current proposal consists of two parts: number and value. At the same time, it is required that the numbers between any two proposals are different. So far, we have two more weapons:

1. An acceptor can receive multiple proposals.

2. Each proposal consists of two parts: a number and a value. The numbers of any two proposals are different.

Let's take up our weapons and move on. There are two conclusions that need to be explained.

In order for a proposal to be selected, it must be approved by more than half of the acceptors; we allow multiple proposals to be selected in another election, but the values ​​of these selected proposals must be the same. It seems that there is a glimmer of hope here. The proposals have been numbered, which is of great help to our subsequent arguments. In the algorithm, as long as the following conditions are met, we can ensure the uniqueness of the selected proposal:

P2: If a proposal with v is selected, assuming that the proposal number is m, then the value of any selected proposal greater than m is v.

Similarly, P2 said this in the original book:

P2: If a proposal with value v is chosen, then every higher-numbered proposal that is chosen has value v.

Because the numbers are in order, if P2 is guaranteed to be true, our initial requirement can be met.






P2a: If a proposal whth value v is chosen, then every heigher-numbered proposal accepted by any acceptor has value v.



P2b: 一个值为v的提案被选定了,该提案编号为m。那么对于任何编号大于m的由proposer提交的提案的值必须为v。


P2b: If a proposal with value v is chosen, then every higher-numbered proposal issued by any proposer has value v.

由于一个提案在被acceptor批准之前必须由提议者提交,因此P2b可以满足P2a从而满足了P2。在这里,站在proposer的角度提出了P2b。那又该如何来保证P2b呢?我们假设某个编号为m,值为v的提案被选中了,对于任何被提出的编号为 n(n > m)的提案,其值都为v。现在我们使用归纳法来证明该说法是成立的。

提案[ m , v ]被选中,我们的假设条件如下

对于编号在 m...(n-1) 中的任何一个被提出的提案的值都为v。


由于任意一个集合S,包含了半数以上的acceptor,肯定会至少包含一个C中的acceptor,所以我们可以通过下面的条件来满足P2b。也就是任意一个被提出的编号为n (n > m)的提案的值都为v。



同样的,问题又来了。既然由P2c => P2b => P2a => P2。那我们又由什么来证明P2c的完整性呢[Q3]?


假设提案[m,v]已经被选定,有提案n ① n=m+1 假设n的值不为v,而为w。则根据P2c要么有一组S从来没有批准过小于n的提案;要么在批准的所有编号小于n的提案中,编号最大的提案的值为w。因为S和C至少有一个公共acceptor,所以说两个条件都不满足。所以假设不成立。因此n的值为v。② 编号m属于m...(n-1),假设n的值不为v,设为w’ 。则存在一个集合S’,要么在S’中没有一个acceptor批准过编号小于n的提案;要么在S’中批准过的所有的编号小于n的提案中,编号最大的提案的值为w’,设该提案的编号为p(p∈m...(n-1))。根据我们在归纳法中的假设条件编号属于m...(n-1)的提案的值都为v,并且S’和C至少有一个公共acceptor,所以由S’中的acceptor批准的小于n的提案中编号最大的那个提案也属于m...(n-1)。从而可以推导出w’=v。即可证明提案n的值为v。



1. 一个proposer准备提交一个编号为n的提案之前,首先会向某组(含半数以上的acceptor)中的每个成员发出请求,希望得到如下的响应:
    a. Acceptor承诺不再批准任何编号小于n的提案。
    b. 如果acceptor批准过小于编号n的提案,则将编号最大的提案响应给proposer。


2. 如果proposer从某个组(包含半数以上的acceptor)中的acceptor方面得到响应,那么该proposer就可以提交值为v的提案n了。当然了,这里的v要视响应消息而定。如果得到的响应是acceptor已经批准的编号小于n的的那些提案中的编号最大的提案,那么提案n的值v就是响应的提案的值;如果得到的响应消息是acceptor没有批准过任何编号小于n的提案,那么值v就可以是任意的了。得到prepare请求的响应以后,proposer再次向同一



acceptor是可以忽略任何请求的,并且不用考虑是否能满足什么条件。 所以说,这里我们说的是acceptor会对一个请求进行响应的情况。acceptor对于prepare 请求总是会积极响应。对于accept请求,如果他没有响应过不去批准该提案,那它会响应一个批准该提案的消息。也就是下面的条件



P1a. An acceptor can accept a proposal numbered n iff it has not responded to a prepare request having a number greater than n.



Phase1 (a)proposer选择一个编号为n的提案,并且发送一个带有编号n的prepare请求给一组包含半数以上的acceptor。

Phase2 (a)当proposer从包含半数以上的一组acceptor那里收到关于编号n的提案的prepare请求的响应信息,那么它将会向这组acceptor发送一个编号为n值为v的提案的accept请求。这个v的值根据proposer得到的响应信息来定:如果在响应信息中包含有提案信息,那这个v就是该提案的值;如果没有提案信息,则v可以是任意值,只要proposer愿意。








我们来假设这样的一个情景:有两个proposer——p和q,每一个都会提出一系列编号递增的提案。这些提案都没有别选中过。现在p完成了阶段1的编号为n1的提案。然后p完成了阶段1的编号为n2(n2 > n1)的提案。所以对于n1的阶段2的accept请求会被忽略,因为所有的acceptor都已经向n2的prepare响应了不会再批准任何编号小于n2的提案。因此,p开始提出n3(n3 > n2),并且完成了prepare的请求。同样,这时n2的accept请求也会被忽略。以此进行下去岂不是就成了一个死循环了。




参考文献:《Paxos Made Simple》

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